
Carer support

Local help for carers

Solihull Carers Centre is a local organisation for carers, and they have an extensive range of services to help support carers of all ages. They provide emotional support, information and advice and assistance to those providing unpaid care. This could be for a relative, friend or other person who has a disability, is frail or has a long-term illness.

They can be contacted on 0121 788 1143 or visit

Please let the surgery know if you are a Carer.


General Information

Carers UK - UK's only national membership charity for carers, Carers UK is both a supportive community and a movement for change. More information can be found here.

Free digital resources for carers please contact the surgery for free access code

There are almost seven million carers in the UK – that is one in ten people, and this is rising. Every year in the UK, over 2.3 million adults become carers and over 2.3 million adults stop being carers.

Three in five people will be carers at some point in their lives in the UK.

Out of the UK’s carers, 42% of carers are men and 58% are women.

Over the next 30 years, it is estimated that the number of carers will increase by 3.4 million (around 60%).


Young carers & adults

Carers are not just adults – children are carers too:

In total there are 290,369 carers in the UK who are aged 16–24. Young adult carers aged between 16 and 18 years are twice as likely to be not in education, employment, or training (NEET).


Older carers

In England and Wales, just under one million (950,000) people over 65 are carers.

65% of older carers (aged 60–94) have long-term health problems or a disability themselves.

(Source – Carers Trust)


Carer support for patients with dementia

Information & support on dementia from the ICB (

  • Annual vaccinations for certain patient cohort
  • Anticoagulation clinics
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Blood Tests
  • Cervical smears
  • Child Health Clinics
  • Child Vaccinations
  • Contraceptive advice
  • Coil / Implant fitting and checks
  • Chronic Disease Monitoring (Diabetes, Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Respiratory Disease)
  • Joint injections
  • Midwife Clinics
  • Musculoskeletal (MSK) specialist team
  • NHS Health Checks
  • Physiotherapy
  • Routine HRT checks
  • NHS Health Checks
  • Sexual health advice
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Travel Advice & vaccinations
  • Weight management
Non NHS Services

Non NHS services

The NHS provides most health care free of charge. However there are a number of other services for which fees can be charged. These are mainly for services not covered by the NHS, such as medical reports (for insurance companies) & some travel vaccinations.

Doctors are involved in a whole range of non-medical work, largely on the basis that they occupy a position of trust within the community and are in a position to verify the accuracy of information. If a GP signs a certificate or completes a report, it is a professional duty that the GP checks the accuracy of such information. This may involve examining the patient's entire medical record.

GPS Healthcare follows the BMA Guidance on Fees. Please see the link below for our fees and charges.

Maternity Referral Service

If you have a positive pregnancy test you can now make your own online self-referral for your maternity care, without needing to see a doctor or nurse at the practice.

Our practice is now registered and listed on the online referral portal, so all you need to do to refer for your maternity care is visit the secure link below and provide the information requested. You’ll need your NHS number and the name of the practice, with which you must be registered.

The information you provide will be used to process your referral by both the community maternity team assigned to our practice and the booking office of your chosen hospital within Birmingham and Solihull. A copy of your referral will also be shared with us, your GP Practice, for information.

To self refer visit

It’s quick and easy and will just take a few minutes. This link can also be used to refer a pregnancy on behalf of someone else, providing you have her consent.

Important: You need to search for the GP practice site by the POSTCODE in the drop-down list to complete your SPA portal referral. Your referral can only be processed based on the information you provide and can delay your care if incorrect information is provided.

You’ll be able to select from a number of hospitals to provide your antenatal care and for the birth of your baby; we have a number of birthing facilities:

Hospitals sites include: Review websites for further information

UHB - Good Hope Hospital

UHB - Birmingham Heartlands Hospital

Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospital

If you would like to refer to any other hospital then please speak with your community midwife at your first ante-natal booking appointment or contact your GP.